Audition :: Come Back to the 5 and Dime..

Audition :: Come Back to the 5 and Dime..

Audition Date:
– Jan 30 6pm-9pm (Sun)
– Jan 31 7pm-9pm (Mon)
– Feb 1 7pm-8pm (Tue) Auditions for the role of Joe only
– Call back( if necessary ): Feb 1 8pm (Tue)

Auditions for Come Back to the Five and Dime, Jimmy Dean, Jimmy Dean are different that our traditional auditions.  YOU NEED TO SIGN UP FOR A TIME SLOT. PLEASE READ

CSP requires that all volunteers at our theater have been vaccinated. Anyone planning to audition for  our upcoming 21-22 shows, must present proof of vaccination to the door staff before entering the building. There are no exceptions to this policy.

NOTE: the ages below are what the characters are supposed to be. I am looking for people who can appear to be that age or play that age. It also depends on the whole ensemble, the women need to be believably around the

For all female characters, you will need sign up for a time slot. The slots are 15 minutes in length and there are 2 people allowed in each slot. We will give you the opportunity to read with each other and individually, all from the script.

In Pairs:Individually:
All or parts of pages 12-15
All or parts of pages 33-34
Mona’s paragraph on page 18 or 19. We’ll ask you
to change in how you’re presenting it. Requests
could be: obnoxiously or sweetly or confidently
or reservedly.

HINT: read the character explanations for
what we are looking for.

Sign up for a slot by clicking here:

For the character of Joe, auditions will be held on February 1 @ 7 pm. You don’t need to sign up for a time slot. If you are unable to attend, please contact the director at and arrangements can be made.

Characters – All characters need a southern accent. This takes place in Texas.
8 female, 1 male

NOTE: the ages below are what the characters are supposed to be. I am looking for people who can appear to be approximately that age or play that age.  It also depends on the whole ensemble; the women need to be believably around the same age (exceptions are Juanita who is older and Edna who is younger).

  • Juanita (female aged 45-60)-owner of the five and dime, very religious and has a provincial attitude especially about LGTBQ+.
  • Mona (female aged late 30’s,early 40’s) – supposed mother of James Dean’s son. Multidimensional character, neurotic, fragile psyche and has convinced herself that her lies are true.
  • Sissy – (female aged late 30’s,early 40’s) – Trashy-flashy (tight dresses, lots of makeup and cheap jewelry). Was the girl who “put out” in school. Important for this character is that she has rather large breasts. They don’t have to be real as we’ll discuss at auditions. We’ll work this out but the actress must be okay with that.
  • Joanne (female aged late 30’s,early 40’s) – sophisticated and well-dressed, gives the impression of a professional but we don’t know for sure. Was assigned male at birth and is transgender. Her dead name was “Joe.”
  • Stella May (female aged late 30’s,early 40’s) – loud, boisterous and obnoxious. local girl who married into money. Now lives far away, in a city.
  • Edna Louise (female – a few years younger than the rest) – visibly pregnant with her 7th child. Timid and self-effacing.
  • Young Mona (late teens/early 20’s) – Mona as a teenager
  • Young Sissy (late teens/early 20’s)- Sissy as a teenager
  • Joe (male late teens/early 20’s) – went to high-school with others and part of the disciples group, experienced hate and harassment because of who he is.

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