Audition :: Murder On Cue

Audition :: Murder On Cue

Audition Date: Mar 5&6 (Mon & Tues) @ 7pm
Possible callbacks: Mar 8

Director Scott Mason seeks out at least 5 men and 5 women for his original mystery which is set at Chapel Street Theatre itself and the audience members are held as suspects. The “play” on stage is interrupted by a murder and all the cast, crew, and the audience are interrogated by the FBI and police. Think of it as a mystery dinner or mystery hotel/cruise type of event. Actors and actresses as well as crew people will eventually be playing “themselves”.

Auditions will consist of cold readings from the script and a bit of improvisation. Mason is looking for a variety of ages and types from 21yo and up. He is seeking out a diverse cast as well. There are smaller parts for less experienced actors as well as larger roles though overall is very much an ensemble piece.

For questions contact Mason directly at

Show date:  Jun 8, 9, 14, 15, 16 @ 8pm /Jun 10 @ 2pm / 2018

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