Audition :: One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest

Audition :: One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest

Audition Date: May 20, 6-8pm(sun) / May 22, 7-9pm (Tue)

Audition Dates:
Auditions will be on

  • Sunday, May 20 from 6 – 8 (please arrive no later than 6:30 without director permission)
  • Tuesday, May 22 from 7 – 9 pm (please arrive no later than 7:30 without director permission). 

Audition Requirements:
Contact the director for a copy of the script – you may borrow for a one-week period (brian(at) Auditioners should be familiar with the script (two acts). Auditions will include “cold readings” from the scripts. If you are auditioning for McMurphy, Ratched or Chief Bromden, please bring a monologue (no more than one minute) to read at the audition.

Performance Dates: 
The show runs from September 21 through 29, 2018. (Fri, Sat, Sun (matinee), Thurs, Fri, and Sat)

Rehearsal Schedule:
We will hold a read through mid-June followed by rehearsals through September 20. Rehearsal schedule will be discussed at audition. Not all actors will be called for all rehearsals. There are two mandatory strike-builds for all cast members on June 17th and September 30th at 1 pm.

Character descriptions:
12 Males & 4 Females. Ethnically diverse cast desired. Flexible age ranges for all characters.

  • RANDLE P. MCMURPHY – (M, Patient) A gambler, a con man, and a backroom boxer. He serves as the dominant force challenging the establishment and the ultimate savior of the victimized patients. Will have kissing scenes and a choreographed fight scene. Wears just a towel in another scene.
  • NURSE RATCHED – (F, Staff) The head of the hospital ward. She is an attractive woman who under the surface is dark and “runs the machine.” She weakens her patients through a psychologically manipulative program designed to destroy their self-esteem. Will have a choreographed fight scene.
  • CHIEF BROMDEN – (M, Patient) The huge, bull-muscled, son of an Indian Chief. He has been in the hospital for ten years, longer than any other patient in the ward. Bromden sees modern society as a huge, oppressive conglomeration that he calls the Combine, and the hospital as a place meant to fix people who do not conform.
  • AIDE WARREN and AIDE WILLIAMS – (M, Staff) The Day Time Aides. Nurse Ratched hired them because they are filled with hatred and will submit to her wishes completely.
  • NURSE FLINN – (F, Staff) A vapid girl with apprehensive eyes. She wears a gold cross at her throat, a sign of her strict Catholic upbringing. She is fearful of the patients’ sexuality.
  • DALE HARDING – (M, Patient) College-educated with a sharp tongue. He is President of the Patients’ Council. Although he is married to a woman he is gay. He has difficulty dealing with the overwhelming social prejudice against gays, so he hides in the hospital voluntarily.
  • BILLY BIBBIT – (M, Patient – in his 20’s) Shy and has a bad stutter. He seems and acts younger than his age. Dominated by his mother, one of Nurse Ratched’s close friends. Billy is voluntarily in the hospital, as he is afraid of the outside world.
  • SCANLON – (M, Patient) Involuntarily committed to the hospital. He has fantasies of blowing things up.
  • CHESWICK – (M, Patient) Eager and quick to argue or fight. Aggressively defiant yet cringing. All talk, no action.
  • MARTINI – (M, Patient) A little Italian man who lives in a world of delusional hallucinations.
  • RUCKLY – (M, Patient) A Chronic patient. Was once curable, but was transformed into a Chronic due to a botched lobotomy.
  • SPIVEY – (M, Staff) The administrator of the mental institution. He is a calm and somewhat diminutive. He doubts that anything is wrong with McMurphy’s mind, but he defers to the opinion of Nurse Ratched.
  • AIDE TURKLE – (M, Staff) The nighttime orderly for Nurse Ratched’s ward. He is easygoing and kind. Will likely also play the “technician” in the electo-shock room.
  • CANDY STARR – (F, Other) A beautiful, carefree prostitute. She comes to the ward for a late-night party that McMurphy arranges. Will have kissing scenes.
  • SANDRA – (F, Other) A prostitute who comes with Candy to the late-night party. Will have kissing scene.

Show Date: Sep 21, 22, 27, 28, 29 @ 8pm / Sep 23 @ 2pm / 2018

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