Tag: 2015

And Miss Reardon Drinks a Little

And Miss Reardon Drinks a Little

Oct 2, 3, 8, 9, 10 @ 8pm / Oct 4 @ 2pm / 2015 written by Paul Zindel directed by Kathleen M. Kimber ass’t directed by Christie Cerminaro with the acting talents of  Ben Caruccio, Pat Cullinane, Jeremiah Dillard, Patricia Lake, Heather McCarty, Cindy Starcher and Ashley Thompson

Scrooge’s Christmas

Scrooge’s Christmas

Dec 4, 5, 10, 11, 12 @ 8pm / Dec 6 @ 2pm / 2015 written by Ken Jones directed by Timothy Sheridan with the acting talents of Ray Barto, Colleen Boyle, Victor Cardillo, Fiona Connell, Heather Conrad, Patricia Lake, Christian Lopez, Rich Magnuson, Amelia Moss, Carl Pariso, Zach Rogers, Mia Scarangelli, James Simpers and...