CSP Needs Your Help!
January 8, 2023 at 7pm
First Presbyterian Church (adjacent to the Newark Country Club)
292 W. Main Street Newark, DE 19711
Memorial Hall – West Room (behind the church)

By now we hope that you have heard the great news that the City Council last month approved the final step for us to get a new theater built by Lang Development. It has been a long process interrupted by the pandemic, but at last we know we will be moving to a new home… with parking! Thank you so much for all your support, letters, signing petitions, etc to help make this happen. Many have asked the question of when the new space will open, and that answer is unknown for now.
What we do know is that everyone- (patrons, actors, crew, directors, volunteers, boar members, etc: our “community” ) have kept CSP afloat these 80 plus years, and now more than ever we need everyone to help with this massive move to a new theater space! There are tasks large (packing) and small (filing a change of address) and the list of them is quite long. Some will take a committee, some will need manual labor, some can be done at home on a computer, but, again, there is so much to do.
We know many have said you want to help, and we assume there are lots more of you to assist in this adventure! Please come to our Town Hall Meeting on Sunday, January 8th at 7pm at the theater so you can learn about what needs to be done, what is happening already, and so we can get your valuable information on how you can be part of the journey.