COVID-19: An Important Message from CSP to our Community

UPDATE: 3/17/2020 16:00
Dear CSP Community:

In accordance with the Governor Carney’s directives in the DE State of Emergency effective 3/16/20 at 8pm, our April production of “Moon Over the Brewery” has been postponed until at least May 15th at best. In addition, our fundraiser with Iron Hill Restaurant “Give 20” scheduled for March 26th is also postponed until future notice. The board of CSP continues to monitor the situation, especially the directives of the state. We will continue to update our the community as decisions are made. Thank you for your patience and be safe.

UPDATE: 3/16/2020 17:00
Dear CSP Community:

Due to the concern and well-being of our patrons and volunteers, we decided this weekend to postpone the Annual George Cope 24 Hour Play Festival scheduled for March 28th (with auditions on March 27th for participants). We hope to reschedule it for some time in the summer. Meanwhile, we are still considering “Moon Over the Brewery” which is slated to open on April 24th. As we draw closer to that time, and of course in compliance with DE’s State of Emergency updates, we will keep you posted with further information. Thank you and be safe.

UPDATE: 3/12/2020 15:00
Dear Friends of CSP:

Like everyone, the Board of Chapel Street Players has been discussing an appropriate response to the issues around the coronavirus. Our primary concern of course is for the health and safety of both our volunteers and our patrons. Each day brings more news and more change. While we don’t want to overreact, we want to do our due diligence to protect the community we cherish. At this time, however, our next events are not for several weeks.

Next at CSP is the Annual George Cope 24 Hour Play Festival being held on March 28th at 8pm and it is still scheduled to occur. It is not part of our subscription series and all seats are $5. While we are taking extra efforts with cleaning, etc, as many as 150 people may fill the seats in a close environment. According to most reports and CDC advice- if you are already ill you should not attend; if you are over 60 or have a weakened immune system, etc you should not attend; if you think you may have been exposed we ask you please not to attend. If you have already purchased a ticket for the show and want a refund then we will honor your request.

Our next subscription/mainstage production is not until late April, “Moon Over the Brewery.” As quickly as things are changing, it honestly seems too many weeks away to make any informed decision at this time. We of course will share information as decisions are made about the remaining season, some of which may be beyond our decision making or authority.

To our volunteer actors, crew, ushers, etc- we are all indeed volunteers and a compassionate community. If you need to temporarily take leave from CSP for health concerns, we understand and support your decision. If any current actors in rehearsal would like to leave their role(s) it would be best to inform your director as soon as possible and your decision will be respected and you will be welcome back in the future. While working at CSP, please follow recommended CDC precautions. If you suspect or know that you are ill or exposed then please withdrawal from participating at CSP until you are healthy.

We encourage everyone to keep up with recommended good health habits, and we will update information as needed. Thank you as always for your continued support of CSP!

For more information on appropriate medical safety please visit

On behalf of the CSP Board,

Scott Mason, President

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